Ras Imo is one of the few people who I am honored to call my friend.  A being of natural wisdom and spiritual integrity who for the past 15y has been heart-deep in building community through love, education and right livelihood. With the assistance of family and friends, he has organized Tyehimba, a small Rasta community which owns and operates Country Farmhouse, the leading soy food producer in Jamaica. Although still very much a roots operation, Country Farmhouse currently supplies the entire island with over twenty soy products. Way back in dark ages of the Reagan presidency, Tenkar and I were part of an international development crew introducing soyfoods to the West Indies. Support for the project fizzled in the mid-eighties. The minimal service we were able to offer has miraculously enough, contributed to some beautiful fruit. It feels very good to be a link in a chain of life, passing on a few simple skills and resources which, in the right hands, can help reduce suffering and allow people to change their situation so that they aren't always sweating it and can begin to develop true insight into life and mind.  


Turtle Hill Sangha © 2010